Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Weekend

Was all over the place this weekend. Xmas parties have officially begun. Enjoy the photos.

On the Downtown Xmas walk in front of City Hall (I think). From left to right; Dave, Tara, Bianca, Amanda, & myself.
Someone was probably really hot in this suit, but thank God they wore it. Somebody had to...
Petrolians! Patty you are looking great man! Congrats! Chong, always a pleasure.
Folks at Amanda's building. Xmas party in a 3800sqft loft. Damn!
Linda and Bianca.
Pete and Tara.
View from the top.
Nathan and Christina at impromtu discussion night. 
On the Downtown Xmas walk.
More Xmas walk trees.
Bianca, Amanda, and Tara.

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