Well, so now, all news following my site, www.savelorenzo.com will be updated here as well as other random stuff in my life. Check back often, or not, whatever.
So, news...here goes.
LA. Still here. Was going to move to NYC, but it seems like it may not happen, at least not for now. Literally, the second I got back to LA I was bombarded with new work and new prospects. So it's actually good news, but I was pretty excited about the idea of moving and trying something new with my life. I guess that's going to have to wait for now as I push forward on some cool things going on in LA.
Recently, been working with David and Goliath (Spinach LA), The Outfit, and ManEater Productions for music videos (yea JED!!!). Been keeping busy and trying to save money.
I also started my new website www.youdontknowmebutyouwill.com
It's going to be a sick site showcasing some new and different work ranging from mini docs to shorts and experiments. Ill keep you guys posted as I get stuff together for it.
I'm probably heading to Boston end of this month for a company party with my commercial guys, Element. (Finally get to meet some of you guys!) Should be good times. Ok, that's it for now. later
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